Breathe in, Breath Out. Ease Your Mind & Body with Our Pregnancy Yoga Classes

Pregnancy exercise classes for the pregnant ladies are arranged to give an acceptable backing for the baby inside. These online class of training programmes take in two segments of therapy, which includes prenatal care and postnatal care. In both kinds of treatment, the keen target is to guard the mother against every issue, unsafe for her child.
We at Rita’s Pregnancy 101 comprise so many skilled and experienced trainers ready to endeavours the best online prenatal care, postnatal care, online yoga classes for pregnancy, and so forth.
Stress-Free Pregnancy
Get prepared for the beautiful journey of being a mother.
Fit Pregnancy
A 360-degree healthy lifestyles with the help of yoga, diet and walk.
Painless Pregnancy
Reduce the pain with the help of hypnotic visualization.

Meditation & Yoga
Yoga is the best form of exercise that helps in meditation and keep the body relaxed.
Body in shape
Post-pregnancy exercises by the experts to shed out all the pregnancy weight.
Informative session
We teach good things to transfer it to you and your baby in the womb.
Why Should I join Prenatal Classes?
Rita Singha explains the benefits of Pregnancy Classes
Book Your Free Session Today!

We are there for you!
Get in touch us, and our team will get in touch with you. Be it pre-pregnancy or post-pregnancy challenges, we have a solution for you!
At Rita’s pregnancy 101 centre, you can find trained professionals who will take the online pregnancy yoga classes. The experienced yoga trainers teaching will be there for you throughout teaching yoga classes for pregnancy.
Fun and exciting pregnancy yoga for beginners’ online classes available. Consult them for any queries and get in the routine for pregnancy yoga now. Get in shape with our fun yoga routines.
Book of Breastfeeding & Weaning Diet Recipes

Why Breastfeed? And Weaning Diet Recipes
Rita Singha has put together an invaluable resource for breastfeeding mothers in the form of a book. This book contains excellent information on why breast feeding is so important, how to breast feed appropriately and practical make-at-home recipes for your baby when you start giving outside food. The weaning diet recipes in this book have contributed by new mothers after they tried, tested and loved it for their babies.
To get your copy today, call +91 90881 01101